For two years now young girls plagued by the many hardships of their lives have come to my office. They are either single mothers or pregnant young women who have been rejected by their families when the future father has refused to recognise his responsibility. Sometimes they do not know where to turn. More often they seek refuge with a maternal aunt or grandmother or a friend.
There are many of them who come to see me and tell me about their distress. Stories of distress that mostly remain hidden, but deserve to be heard. Hear their cry, let us take it up and ask ourselves: “What can we do?” Indeed, what can we do? During my holiday in France (March, April, May 2018) I put together a number of their stories and sent them to the Editor of “Voix d’Afrique”, the magazine of the Missionnaires d’Afrique in France. In the 119 issue of June 2018 you will find them under the heading “Single mothers … What can be done?” on the site of the White Fathers “les peres blancs”, click on the keyword « filles-mères. (in French).
This morning I decided to run a new title in our newsletters from Koudougou :
“They have chosen life”.
I do this for several reasons:
1. Because these young women “deserve to be listened to, be given assistance and helped to an integration worthy of its name”, something that offers an alternative to abortion. 2. Because their stories deserve to be heard.
3. Because in many cases their family will not hear about their plight.
4. Because with the Mossi ethnic,group there is a ban/curse which is still very much alive, a death threat for the men of a family which does not expel a pregnant daughter who is not married. This ban is still very much respected.
5. Because the funds needed to care for these girls are steadily rising.
6. And therefore because we need your help
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This heading will also appear on our site Koudougou la Belle
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Koudougou, August 22nd 2018.
Maurice Oudet
President, SEDELAN